Academic Based Investment Strategies
Academic Based Investment Strategies.
We try and make the markets work for you. The markets are a very noisy are difficult to forecast.
To solve this problem,we are believers in peer reviewed research as opposed to research that is proprietary and not subject to scrutiny.
This ensures that the essential points investment strategies are based upon, are confirmed by other researchers. We like to concentrate on selecting managers who meet the criterion We will incorporate the latest research as it is developed in to our models.
We use discoveries and update concepts made by Nobel Prize winners who have revealed factors that add value to investment models, that are likely to have beneficial effects on the results.We can build portfolios that are based on strong persistent characteristics that can be used to exploit the markets in your favor. We seek fund mangers who follow these methodologies and mix intelligent application of these factors rather than a static index approach. We seek to enhance returns by overweighing assets that exhibit characteristics that tend to be in accordance with one or more factors identified in academic research associated with higher returns.This approach we feel can add value to returns.Whist this approach is expected to produce returns. it may not ensure an increased return over market weighted investment .
We use a selection of funds from companies specifically.